Merry Christmas from Team activ! Thank you for your valued business in 2023. Wishing you an enjoyable break and a prosperous 2024.

Meet the team: Tom Marley

find your local experienced activ consultant

A day in the life of our Technical Project Manager, Tom Marley “As the Technical Project Manager, I need to have a helicopter view of everything that is happening for our technical offerings. activ has gained a lot of clients through their excellent service and at any one time we have a number of website […]

Meet the team: Richard Griffin

A day in the life of our Technical Support Manager, Richard Griffin “Being a part of activ for more than a decade has greatly contributed to my growth as a technical support manager. I have gained (and shared!) years and years worth of knowledge and experience from my colleagues, our franchisees and clients. I am […]

Meet the team: Tyrone Fernandez

A day in the life of our Lead Developer, Tyrone Fernandez “As a lead developer, I always make sure to be flexible, efficient and analytical when it comes to my day-to-day tasks in order to give my full technical support not only to our clients but to my colleagues as well. Here, I will give […]

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